Sept. 9, 10, & 11 - Tues, Wed & Thurs

Woke up to pouring rain this morning after a full night of the wet stuff. Decided to do some catch up stuff this morn and then the 4 of us went shopping. T & I got a Sirius radio setup for both the truck and trailer and an update for our GPS ‘Mary’ as she often gets us going a weird way to destinations. We’re tired of not getting any radio stations we like. (you know like CBC) I also bought a warming mattress cover and a convection toaster oven. I’m so pleased with both these purchases. Warm and toasty!!!!! The evening ended with a fabulous sunset and crazy looking clouds in the sky.

The next day was beautiful and sunny. We made a picnic lunch and then we took off for Bar Harbor and Acadia National Park. On the way we stopped at this antique car sales place called Moto-car. They had every type of old car for sale you could imagine. Fantastic. They also had a wonderful rottweiler that insisted on jumping on top of our shadows as we moved around. It was hilarious and we got a great video of her.

We walked around Bar Harbor for about an hour shopping and enjoying the view of the harbour and then drove the loop around Acadia park (about 27 miles). Halfway around we stopped at a beach with huge rocks and ate our lunch and enjoyed the sunshine. Lots of people were walking on the trails. It’s a beautiful park. We then drove up to the highest point of the park, which was Cadillac Mountain. The view of Bar Harbor and surrounding bays and islands was spectacular. It was extremely windy up there and quite cold considering the cloudless sky. Well worth just about having an incident with a bus coming around a tight corner crossing into our lane with us in it! The evening ended with dessert and trip planning at T & G’s.

Thursday saw us catching up again with both Terrys installing the Sirius radio in the truck and I doing cleaning and laundry. I also wanted to get this blog up-to-date again. I’m hoping this will keep us in touch with everyone more often.

We finally got confirmation that we are booked for 5 months Nov. to March at the La Penita RV Park in Mexico and are meeting in Tucson on Oct. 25 at Beaudry RV Park to join the caravan there. Can’t wait.

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