Oct 3 - 8 - Fri to Wed

Saturday we decided to head for the River Walk and the marketplace. Found parking for $7.50 a day and started walking toward the Alamo and on the way discovered the beautiful San Antonio River Walk . This used to be an area of flooding and devastation and after a huge flood in 1921, the area was reconstructed to provide a 2 ½ mile tree lined river walk with restaurants, shops and waterfalls. There are water taxis and tour boats floating by every few minutes. It’s the place to be on a hot day. Shaded by trees and buildings with venders of all sorts, park benches everywhere for you to just sit and contemplate how good life is. All this just a short couple of blocks from the Alamo.

Which is where we wandered over to next. Originally named Mission San Antonio de Valero, it was home to missionaries and their Indian converts for almost 70 years. After being held by the Spanish, Rebels, Mexicans, there was eventually a final battle at the Alamo between some Texans and volunteers (approx 189) including Davey Crockett and Jim Bowie and nearly 4000 Mexicans under the Napolean wannabe General Santa Anna with devastating results for the Texans. It was a battle that lasted 13 days that continues to symbolize the heroic struggle of overwhelming odds. Thus the battle cry “Remember the Alamo”. Soon after this battle all the defenders died that day.

Fourty-six days later, General Sam Houston organized his men and attacked General Santa Anna and was victorious after only 18 minutes. Thus the Republic of Texas was born.

As we never made it to the market place, we decided to head for there on Sunday. It was so much like Mexcan markets that we didn’t buy anything as of course, we’ll have 5 months to shop at the real Mexican markets in a few short weeks. It was nice to see though.

That afternoon and the next day we just did some minor repairs and general cleaning chores done. Tomorrow we are headed for Del Rio. We’ve now completed a huge circle as we were here last February.
Arrived at Del Rio and I decided to go shopping at the same Wal Mart that we had gone to last winter with Butch and Shaunne. All the fall clothing are in now so I thought I'd pick up some summer bargains which I did. It was hot during the day and fortunately cooled off in the evening. Not like San Antonio. The scenery has changed drastically with the uglier parts of Texas being predominately what you see. Every so on there is a dramatic canyon where you can imagine the waters rushing through carving out the walls. Otherwise it is miles of low brush and no trees. Very dry but definitely greener than last February.
From Del Rio we decided to go to Fort Stockton for the night and set up, then drove around the townsite following road signs signifying a tour route. It brought us past the old Fort Stockton 1912 Pecos County Courthouse (very impressive building), the 1883 Jail, the Oldest House, and some of the original Fort, etc. ending with the world's largest Roadrunner (11' by 22' long). That was the most impressive.

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